Yin Yoga Swan

Increase flexibility with Yin Yoga

Would you like to build flexibility and reduce stress? Then Yin Yoga is just the thing for you. This gentle yoga style improves the structure of your connective tissue, relieves tension and reduces stress.

Yin Yoga is a very young yoga style that developed in the 70s. In contrast to active yoga (Vinyasa, Hatha, Ashtanga), Yin Yoga does not aim at the muscles, but at the connective tissue, joints, fasciae and bones. Yin Yoga is an ideal complement to an active sport or lifestyle.

How does Yin Yoga work?

In Yin Yoga we hold the poses much longer than in an active yoga class. We stay in a pose for up to five minutes. In order to endure this, we start gently and go deeper into the stretching from minute to minute. As soon as we are in the pose, we come to rest completely and begin to relax all muscles. So the deep stretching can unfold its effect.

Yin Yoga Sketchnote BRING IT OM Yoga

What are the benefits of Yin Yoga?

– Yin Yoga calms the nervous system and the mind.
– Yin Yoga reduces stress, which has often manifested itself in the body and manifests itself in the form of tension, inflammation and pain.
– Yin Yoga reduces anxiety and solves doubts
– Yin Yoga improves flexibility and helps to prevent injuries.
– Yin Yoga improves the connective tissue and has a releasing effect on the fascia in particular.

Yin Yoga Child's pose

What are fasciae and why should I treat them?

Fascias are found almost everywhere in the body, e.g. in the skin, muscles, cartilage, bones, joints, tendons and even in the organs. The fascia can be imagined as a huge spider’s web running through the whole body. Fascia can contract independently of muscles. They store energy and organize the power transmission of the muscles. Fascia also have motion sensors and pain receptors – more than in the muscles. This makes the connective tissue the largest sensory organ in the human body.

Fasciae react sensitively to various stimuli, such as stress, overload due to too much sport, but also due to understrain due to too little movement. When such conditions prevail, the elastic fasciae thicken, stick and become matted and send signals to the muscles. The muscles in turn send out inflammatory substances.

Fasciae can be treated with a fascia roll or with passive stretches as in Yin Yoga.

Do you want to try Yin yoga? Then sign up for our Yin yoga special:

Date: October 29th
Time: 18:00
Price: CHF 49 (CHF 10 cash back for all owners of an active class pass)
Location: BRING IT OM Kreuzstrasse 41 8008 Zurich

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