Yoga, Pilates & more

The yoga studio has closed!

Karin focuses full-time on her start-up Yoga Journaling.

Yoga Journaling simplifies yoga for practitioners and teachers with unique stick figures.

Yoga Journaling creates books, ebooks, magnets, stickers and many more products to support the unique yoga journey of practitioners and teachers all around the world.

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What to expect

BRING IT OM is a small boutique
studio next to Stadelhofen
in Zurich. We have a maximum
capacity of 8 students. Mats and
props are provided. A changing room
and a toilet are at your disposal.

The Studio

Where to find us

BRING IT OM is located in Seefeld, in the middle of Zurich. Just five minutes walk from Stadelhofen and Kreuzplatz. Seven minutes away from Bellevue. One minute from the tram station Kreuzstrasse (trams 2 and 4).


Address: Kreuzstrasse 41, 8008 Zurich.


Use the entrance through the backyard.

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