3-part Beginner Workshop Series in January

We are happy to offer a beginner workshop series in January. In 3 workshops you‘ll learn all the basics you need for a safe and sustainable yoga practice. You can register for all three classes or individually.
We practice in a mini-group setting (max. 6 students)

Workshop content

Focus Part I. (90min)
– Yoga philosophy: what is behind the trend?
– Yoga Poses: what do you have to consider for a safe practice?
– Yoga Flow: Learn Sun Salutation A.

Focus Part II. (90min)
– Yoga Philosophy: how can I use yoga for my daily life?
– Yoga Poses: how do I gain more stability?
– Yoga Flow: Learn Sun Salutation B and C

Focus Part III. (90min)
– Yoga Breathing: Learn Ujjayi Breathing and Nadi Shodana
– Yoga Transition: Learn the flowing movement between the poses
– Yoga Flow: Learn an advanced version of Sun Salutations.

Date: January 17th, 24th, 31th
Time: 18:00 – 19:30
Price: CHF 49 per workshop
Group size: max. 6 students

This series is suitable for absolute beginners and for those who want to go deeper into the basics for a healthy & sustainable

NOTE: Part I. of this series is already sold out. For Part II. and III. we have free spots. For those workshops we recommend that you have visited a yoga class before. If you’re interested in Part I., please contact us: karin@bringitom.ch

Sign up here!

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